Meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Ron Norfleet – President.
Officers of the Board present: President, Ron Norfleet; Vice-President, Praveen Jain; Treasurer: Linda Wirtanen; Director: Jessie Morgan. Absent: Secretary, Phil Jones.
Community members: Ali and Jonathan Conant, Leigh Cosby, Tom Watkins, Jos Nikula, Debra and Andrew Roselli, Sandra Olivo, Mike Berns, Jim and Pat Kida. Other unfamiliar people were also present and did not sign in.
Previous Meeting Minutes:
A motion was made by Ron Norfleet to approve the March 26 2021 minutes. Praveen Jain seconded it and it was accepted as written by the board of directors.
Treasurer’s Report
Linda Wirtanen began the Treasurer’s report with opening remarks of her disapproval of the previous board’s decision to not charge the vacant lot owners the additional $50.00 fee this year. Ron interrupted her stating that was not a Treasurer’s report at which time the attendees began raising their voices in opposition to Ron’s statement. Linda finally gave the report that our accountant, Freida Huff, had prepared for her. Ron made a motion to approve the financials as written. The motion was seconded by Praveen Jain. At which time the board approved.
Old Business:
- In Phil’s absence, Ron reported new construction had begun on lots 4 and 57. Approval was given for lot 54 to have their lot erosion issues corrected.
- Ron advised that letters had been mailed to selected vacant lot owners to come into compliance by having their lots firewised no later than August 15, 2021. To date, no one has replied with their intentions. Ron advised that the BOD will begin issuing fines immediately as per PSPOA’s Compliance Policy.
- The private property sign was placed in our common area, located on the corner of Oxford Drive and Newport Drive – Tract ‘A’. Ron explained that the sign was not intended to deter non-PSPOA owners from using the common area but rather to cover the BOD of any liability issues. That question had been discussed with the Association’s Insurance Agent prior to getting the sign with the previous board.
New Business:
- Ron reminded everyone that Article IX (Architectural Control) of our CCR’s should be amended by adding a sentence or two (2) that authorizes the BOD to recognize the Design Guidelines as being a viable document in addition to the existing CCR’s and Bylaws. This action will require approval by 2/3 (67%) of the membership.
- Additional pet sign was purchased by Ron Norfleet (personal funds) and installed at the Bradshaw Drive entrance.
- Ron reported that the website is now functional.
- Ron proposed increasing the transfer fee from $75.00 to $125.00. The BOD approved and voted to make the new rate effective October 1, 2021.
- The library for the common area was tabled.
Open Membership Discussion:
Linda Wirtanen announced that she was immediately resigning from the Board just before Ron made the motion to adjourn the meeting. And just to make sure we understood, she then asked, Jess Morgan, to confirm that her resignation had been recorded. Jess affirmed that the recorder was still on and was indeed recorded.
There was a lot of cross talk throughout the meeting. Two (2) members had their own agenda and continuously disrupted the meeting along with their friends. Their conduct was not only disruptive but was very unbecoming and rude. They showed no respect for the BOD much less for Ron’s home. Their behavior created a very hostile and negative atmosphere. They will no longer be welcomed on my property. Going forward, future meetings will require PSPOA funds to be expended to rent a facility or try to find a venue that will allow us to use their facilities at no charge – such as the library.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm
The BOD went into an executive meeting at 12:30 pm.
Officers of the Board present: President Ron Norfleet VP Praveen Jain and Director Jess Morgan. Ron made a motion to accept Linda’s unexpected public and recorded announcement of her resignation from the board. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.
In the absence of Secretary, Phil Jones, respectfully submitted
Ron Norfleet – President